Contact us

Caledoina Timber
Lilliesleaf Sawmill

T:  01835 870 821
M:  07801 584 136


Caledonia Timber – a new era of sustainable timber processing in the Scottish Borders.

Based on the site of the former J & J Law sawmill in Lilliesleaf, Caledonia Timber are dedicated to providing superior timber products while safeguarding the environment for future generations.

Unlike many timber suppliers, at Caledonia Timber, we don’t just machine pre-cut timbers. From our purpose-built sawmill we processes felled logs straight from the forest, ensuring the highest quality timber, with the lowest possible carbon footprint. From the high-quality cladding, decking and beams which come from the heartwood of the tree, to kiln-dried firewood, woodchip and sawdust, no part of the timber goes to waste.

Our commitment to local

At Caledonia timber, we are committed to sourcing our materials locally, and we select the finest timber from well-managed, sustainable forests within a 25-mile radius of our yard.

We maintain close relationships with local landowners, ensuring that every tree we use is harvested responsibly and ethically. These forests are managed with a long-term vision, focusing on biodiversity, soil health, and ecological balance. By choosing our products, you are supporting practices that promote forest regeneration and protect wildlife habitats.

This local sourcing strategy not only supports the regional economy but also drastically reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation. By minimising the distance our timber travels, we ensure that our operations contribute less to greenhouse gas emissions, making our products a greener choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

Furthermore, all of our processed timbers are machined and finished on-site, allowing us to offer timber profiling, charring, brushing and fire proofing across our full range of timber types.

By choosing our cladding, decking or timber beams, you are supporting the local economy in the Scottish Borders. We collaborate with local businesses, landowners, and workers, creating jobs and fostering economic growth within our community. Our business model is designed to benefit not just the environment, but also the people who live and work in our region.

Innovation at our roots

We are continually investing in our plant and machinery to make our business more sustainable and to offer cutting edge timber products for both modern and traditional projects. All of our processed timbers are machined and finished on-site, allowing us to offer innovative timber profiling, charring, brushing and fire proofing finishes across our full range of timber types.

The best of Scottish timber

Scotland boasts some of the highest quality timbers available, making it an excellent choice for both construction and design projects. By promoting the use of materials which are grown, cut and processed locally, we are actively reducing the demand for non-renewable materials and promoting a circular economy. Timber is not only a renewable resource but also a natural carbon sink, sequestering carbon dioxide and helping mitigate climate change.

At Caledonia Timber, we believe that sustainability and quality can go hand in hand. By promoting locally sourced, sustainable timber, we are making a positive impact on the environment and setting new standards for the industry. We invite you to join us in our mission to promote responsible forestry and high-quality craftsmanship.

Choose our timber for your next project and be a part of the sustainable future we are building together. With our eco-friendly products, you can achieve your design goals while contributing to the preservation of our planet’s precious resources.

From the forest, to the final product, together, we can make a difference—one tree, one project, and one community at a time.